Monday, August 2, 2010

Remember VI: "Hold up the Light!"

20 years ago RIGHT NOW I was traveling the U.S. and Canada on a tour bus with 35+ other 16-30 year olds sharing Jesus with people through song! 18,000 miles in one summer!! Over 30 states! It was a life changing...literally changed the course of my life and I was 17 years old and just finished my junior year of high school!

Continental the time they had over 35 teams around the world all singing a 2 hour concert with the theme "Hold up the Light!" Imagine having to sing the same songs for 90 concerts in a summer...the words dug deep into all of our hearts. Vin Tomei was my director that year and his example of Godly leadership impacts my life to this day...his passion for God...ministry...his wife...excellence in life and music profoundly impacted me.

The biggest change that summer was a move from what I wanted to what God wanted...I wanted basketball back...I wanted soccer...I wanted a girlfriend! BUT God wanted me...and that summer he got me. I wrote a prayer note to God that summer and put it in my wallet...I carried it with me for YEARS...until it wore out..."Here I am...send and use me."

I came out of that summer with amazing friendships...a fresh love for God...a passionate love for Jesus. I came back to Manchester High School a different person...changed forever

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