Monday, June 28, 2010

Month of Prayer

Today kicks off our Month of Prayer. Yesterday we passed out a prayer card to everyone and encouraged them to use it EVERY DAY to guide them in prayer. We have been SERVING LIKE CRAZY at our church for the past 9 months...people have stepped up in ministry...they have given of themselves...between our building project...then people stepped up when I had to 0n medical leave...THEN we jumped right into Soccer has been a whirlwind...

NOW it's time for a season of prayer...a season of making sure that what we desire is what HE desires. We are going to pray...going to make lists of things that we can praise God for...pray for 3 people that we know need Jesus...confess and repent DAILY the things we do wrong against God...we are going to beg him to come through for each other and other needs that we see...AND we are going to seek out the things HE DESIRES...what does GOD want us to be doing...what does HE desire. What does HE WANT US TO BE DOING!?

I look forward to hearing the stories of answered prayer...I look forward to getting to heaven one day and hearing about how the prayers that will be spoken this month influenced our world. "Open our eyes to what YOU desire of and from us...then grant us the courage to ACT!"

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