Monday, June 21, 2010

Blake Cooper Tuttle

Saturday I had the honor to perform a funeral for a baby of some very close friends of mine. Little Blake was born pre-mature and passed away less than 24 hours after his birth. He is a cute little bigger than my hand!

Rusty and Kari LOVE Jesus and they are holding on to their faith right now...grabbing it with EVERYTHING in them. I don't know how people live through these things without Jesus. We talked about a lot of scripture over the past week...we've prayed and cried together...lots of questions...don't have all the answers...but the best one is that we KNOW that Blake is with Jesus! (Imagine what he has ALREADY gotten to see!!)

I am so thankful for verses like 2 Samuel 12: 19-23...King David's baby just passed away and he says "I will go to him, but he will not return to me." The baby will not come back to earth...BUT David will go to him in heaven one day. It's the same for Rusty and Kari...Blake will not come back to them...BUT OH! ONE DAY...They will be reunited in heaven! NOW THAT is hope!

I do hurt for my close friends...and I am thankful that THE God of all creation is a loving and gracious God!

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