Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good stuff!

I met with several of our sold out for Jesus-we're in-GRACE IS MY HOME-families this morning. We took time to praise God for the AMAZING things that are happening here at Grace...people getting saved...deepening atmosphere...people who REALLY care for each other...a family that celebrates and hurts together...people stepping up more to serve than EVER...and on and on.

We talked about how unity is VITALLY important for the church to thrive. That we must guard unity with EVERY PART OF US. We looked at Ephesians 4...and how JESUS holds us all together. That HE is the head of the church.

We also looked at areas of the church that "need improvement." Areas where the family needs to do a little work. We broke down into 3 small groups and each group came up with a list of areas of our church that need improvement. The discussion was lively and VERY productive. As a leader, I MUST HAVE honest feedback and I must be willing to hear it! Each group listed the things we need to work on AND THEN (the most important part!) they provided solutions to 2 of the concerns that were raised. AMAZING IDEAS came out of the meeting today!

It was SOOOOOOO fun to hear each groups discussion...they hit about every key area that I had on my list! THEY GET "IT!" I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! God has given me the honor of serving as their pastor. We laughed A LOT together...we PRAISED OUR GOD...and we wrestled through what we need to do next. I am thankful that God has allowed me to work along side each person! I am truly blessed.

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