Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Interesting word! There are different things that we are committed too...some are stronger than others...some we may be able to back out of, while others are a lifelong commitment. I have been thinking through this, especially over the past few weeks/months. I have made several commitments in my life that are UNCHANGEABLE...

-I am a follower of Jesus Christ
-I am married to long as we both shall live
-I will follow the call God has made on my life
-I will raise my children in the VERY BEST way possible
-I will be a man of my word....that my word means something...If I say that I will do it...then to the best of my ability I will do it!

The first 4 are easier for me...the last one can be a wrestling match...there are times when we have to...due to life circumstances or a calling from God...back out of a commitment. Here is the deal for though...When that happens...I promise to bath that decision in seek out wisdom through prayer, the Word and people that I dearly trust. Why? Because our emotions lie to us! If we focus on what we "want" or how we "feel" we could make a HUGE mistake. These decisions should never be taken lightly! And then...make the decision and move forward.

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