Friday, June 6, 2008

Churches working together...

In the Bible God calls us his bride, his church...he doesn't call us his brides or churches...Do you see where I'm going with this?!!? I sometimes wonder what God sees when he looks at his bride and we have all of this separation...all of these dividing lines...I am so proud of the fact that we have a GREAT partnership with Church of the Heartland. This church is not in our denomination but their pastor Heath and I became friends before I ever started with Grace Community...actually he gave me my first book on multi-site church and now I'm doing it...(So if you don't like the way we do church here, blame Heath!) Our churches have "offices" in the same office building. Heath's church meets in a coffee shop that they run and we have offices in the basement of the same place. On Sunday's while we are hanging out and worshipping God at a movie theater, Heath's gang is meeting at the coffee shop and using our office for their kids program. Then on Thursday's we get to use their coffee shop for our kids/adults stuff. WHAT A PARTNERSHIP! We push back competition, and work to choose to focus on what we can do to further GOD's KINGDOM! I praise God for my friends at COTH...LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You rock Timmy, I love doing life with ya bro!

You and Grace Community have been such a tremendous blessing to our church. We couldn't be doing this without ya :)
