Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Night Thoughts...

What an amazing morning...the praise band was ON! The guys led us well...just a really passionate worship set...GREAT JOB! The message was on Sharing Our Faith...yes I even dressed up like a fisherman...Thanks to Tim Bickle for supplying my equipment. I long to see EVERY SINGLE person at Grace sharing Jesus...sharing their story of how he has worked in their lives...sharing the Bible with people...I pray hard every week for life change in people...radical life change that will complete turn our cities spinning toward God. I see this morning as just in time week is soccer camp, so it was good to review the tools we have to share our faith...

Oh baby...One week 'til soccer camp...things are coming together...praying hard for each person that will be there...Can't wait to see how all of the details fall into place and then to hear the stories of how God moves next week...POUR IT ON GOD!

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