Thursday, April 3, 2008

God's timing and the walls of Jericho

I love how God works...he always leads his people to a verse in the Bible or to a conversation with someone that meets you right where you are. I was thinking this morning about raising money for the missions trip that I'm going on...wondering where and how God will come through with it all for me and our team. Then, I did my reading for the day which included Joshua 6...and that is the story of the walls of Jericho coming about a leap of faith! Our team has to raise a total of $28,000 (10 of us going on the trip...which there is still one spot open!!) but the Israelities marched around a city belieiving that God would come through. And guess what he did! I look forward to encouraging anyone and everyone on our team...GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU! I can't wait to see how he does it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"My dear son, Timothy, be strong & steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."
I love you!