Thursday, April 17, 2008

Exponental Conference '08

I'm headed to Orlando on Sunday night to go to a church planting conference...I think it is VITAL for all pastors and church leaders to attend conferences as much as possible so they keep learning...if we aren't learning we will get stale...YIKES! I want to stay fresh!!

One of the sessions that I'm going to will be for "post-launch" pastors...I'm reading a book right now about church planting landmines...actually that is the name of the book! GOOD STUFF! I look forward to connecting with other church planters...learning from guys who have been doing church planting for a long time and hanging out with a bunch of guys from our Fellowship of churches...many of whom I don't's going to be stretching and fun...

I just hope there is a little time to drive over to the ocean!! It has been YEARS since I have seen the Atlantic! (Of course that is not my focus :)

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