Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday Night Thoughts...Part 1

Sunday morning...AMAZING, WOW, COOL, GUT-WRENCHING, I SURE LOVE MY WIFE...WE did things differently yesterday...we had a panel of 5 women who spoke about "She is soft." No not weak...the softer side of women...the side that cries during "chick-flicks"...the side that builds up a wall so they don't get hurt...the side that is feminine...the side that longs to be taken care of...The ladies were outstanding...sharing their passions, their hurts, their longings. We had a variety of ladies with different life experiences...I've had people tell me already that they could relate to different ones who were up there. God really moved.

Alright...for my biased part...Kelsey was on the panel and I am so glad that I married her! She is just an outstanding speaker and handles herself so well...I just melt when I watched and listened to her yesterday...I'm so proud to be her husband!!

The hardest thing for me yesterday was thinking about how men could hurt my daughter...she is still so young and so innocent...I am doing everything I can to make sure that her confidence comes from her creator God and NOT from anything else!

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