Thursday, November 20, 2008

Giving Blitz

A couple of weeks ago our children's pastor from our Goshen Campus (Jon) came and spoke to my class at Grace College on reaching kids for the beginning he had us draw a picture of what church was like back when we were kids...My picture was kids all sitting in rows...listening to a story...I used to LOVE IT! Then he asked for a picture of the church we are involved with today...this picture for me was people OUTSIDE of the building serving and reaching people. THEN IT HIT ME...I LOVE that our church goes out...away from the church building (or Movie Theater in our case!) and touches people...we don't expect them to just come to us, we want to go TO them! I LOVE IT!

So, here comes tonight...tonight we are going to package up 100 boxes of food for families...then Saturday we will deliver them...OH BABY!!!! I can't wait! Can't wait to serve people...I love that we are not fixing a meal for them, BUT empowering the families to have their own Thanksgiving meal in their homes! Whoever thought of that idea is BRILLANT! (Don't say it, "I'm sure it wasn't you Tim!" 'Cause you'd be RIGHT ON!)

Right now I look out at our office and see food everywhere...and I'm just picturing the kids and adults that will be down here tonight packing 'em up! I'm ABOUT TO EXPLODE OUT OF MY CHAIR!

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