Thursday, May 20, 2010

Joy in the storm

TOUGH phrase right there..."Joy in the midst of a storm." I have read Phillipians 4 over and over and over..."Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again; REJOICE!" We are to have joy within our circumstances...we are to continue to thank God for what he has given us...this has been a struggle for really be thankful. HERE is where it is important to have people in your life who are willing to speak truth...willing to COME AT YOU when it is needed...A friend got in my face 2 weeks back and challenged me to be more grateful. I have encouraged people to do this COUNTLESS times when counseling and encouraging people and now in the midst of mine I was losing sight of it...AND HE NAILED ME! (Oh and was I so happy at the time...ok...I was pretty ticked, but I"m glad now!) So, I have been working on this...being grateful...looking for joy in the storm. And little by little it is changing my mindset!

2 Life Lessons Here:
1. the victories, in defeat, in discipline, in physical pain...find ways to rejoice (OH you'll be glad you did!)

2. SURROUND yourself with people who will speak truth into your life...because EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US will hit low points and we NEED people to pick us up! (If you don't have those kinds of friends...start praying for it...God will bring people across your path...but watch won't always be fun!)

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