Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sharing your faith...

Last night I posted about wanting to share my faith this week...THEN, I walk into our building for Prayer Encounter and the electrician was working...GREAT GUY! I hadn't met him before and intro-ed myself and he started asking questions and talking about his view of God. Sounds like there has been some tough stuff in his life...he isn't sure that God is real. I encouraged him to pray and ask God to show himself...and if he sincerely asks, God will respond!

Here is the best part...I got to have the conversation because Rusty and Don had already talked to him earlier in the day...they didn't give quick answers...they listened and shared about how God has impacted their lives...they were real...they wrestled through questions with him...they really stirred up his heart! Then tonight I had the chance to share and then listen to Don share his heart too. It was GREAT! I never get tired of hearing people search for God...

I have often said that if God has changed your life you have enough information to share your faith. God doesn't expect us to be able to answer every question...he wants us to be available and to use what we know and then to learn more about him. TODAY...Rusty and Don listened...they shared their story...they made an impact...I LOVE WATCHING THE CHURCH WORK!

BTW...did you catch that...If God has changed your life...YOU HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION to share with other people! So what are you waiting for...GO SHARE!

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