Thursday, November 12, 2009


Why set goals? How do you set goals? I have been thinking about my goals for the past couple of days and then got an email from Jim, our lead pastor, asking for a year-review...good timing I guess! So how do you measure how things are going in your life...Personally? Spiritually? With your family? With your job...with ministry?

I personally list out 5 key areas that I want to work on each year and then make goals for each...
1. Personal
2. Visionary Leadership
3. Evangelism and Outreach
4. Training Leaders
5. Shepherding People

Once I get my key areas, I write out measurable goals for each one...for Personal Goals I make goals for my physical health, spiritual disciplines, family...I break each area down into measurable goals...WHY? Because if we don't have a target then we aren't aiming at anything! How can we possibly measure success if we don't have something to compare it too. I review these goals monthly and write up something so I can track how I'm doing...It helps me to keep re-focus...

I do the same thing for our church...set out goals for the year and every month I review's cool to see God work through these he adds things to he comes through...

HEY...I best get back to it...I reviewed my goals today and there is A LOT to get done!! ;0)

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