Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Teachable Moments...

Tough practice tonight for Jaden...he tends to not like losing. (I think that mostly comes from his mom 'cause I'm not that competitive...I really don't like to keep score... ;-) ANYWAY back to some truth! During our scrimmage tonight Jaden got a roughed up and his team lost...even had some tears out there. HERE IS THE COOL we are "debriefing" on the way home...(I just love this time...he really LOVES to talk sports and's fun!)...and we're talking about how we don't like to lose...talking about how to handle it pushes us to get better...and then something happened...something REALLY COOL...we start talking to stop the other best to handle a guy who is quicker than us...THEN, he wants to go practice the things we were talking about...So, we get home...jump out of the to the front yard and practice some more! MAN...he was into it...IT WAS GREAT! He was so coachable...he really seemed to get was DEFINATELY a teachable moment...

I just love moments like this...when circumstances seem negative and yet there is a teachable moment to be parents we just HAVE TO be on the look out for those times when we can pour ourselves into our kids...those times when they are teachable...when they are ready to learn...these moment happen at unexpected times...tonight was one of those moments...a moment when Jaden indirectly learned that we don't hang around in our self-pity, BUT we pick ourselves up and figure out how we can make ourselves better.

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