Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Word of the Week: Integrity!

I have been wrestling this school year with how to best influence my students...I realize the fact that the majority of my students will not be playing the instrument they play right now when they are my age. So yes...OF COURSE I long to see them be the best musicians they can EVER be! And MORE THAN THAT...I long for them to be the BEST PERSON they can possibly be. THE VERY BEST!

SO this week I started a word of the week...we take some time to discuss the word...and my hope is as we do this week after week...these life skills...maybe a story that is shared will help to shape my student's minds, hearts and lives.

This week...it is all about integrity...all about doing the right thing when people are and are not watching. Being the very most trustworthy people...people that their parents, teachers, peers can trust...

This made me think about my life too...how am I doing with protecting and guarding my integrity? I have LONG had the desire to be the same man at work as I am at home...to be the same at church as I am at home...

If you are reading this...that is my prayer for you...my prayer is that you will walk through this life with integrity...that you will hold your head high, knowing that you are trustworthy...that you do the right thing even when people aren't watching you. AND I pray...that if there is something...something that you are holding back...something that you think no one else can see...something that holds you back from living with integrity...that you will deal with it through the forgiveness of our God AND through walking with others in accountability!

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