Friday, June 17, 2011

"How are you doing?"

GREAT QUESTION...we ask that ALL THE TIME..." are ya?" "Doing OK?" That has been a tough one for me to times you could ask the question every minute in an hour and get a slightly different answer...had times in your life like that?

Here is what I know to be true...God...the Almighty God...PROMISES to "never leave us and never forsake us." That he remains with us even when we feel like he is not there...and he loves us sooooo very much. I am so glad for that...glad that I don't have to earn his love...

Today I am very thankful for good friends...people that are willing to speak love and encouragement into my life--God has blessed me with people who really invest in me...I am so grateful...

So when people ask me: "How are you doing?" I say "Alright" Because I am...I'm hurting due to a significant loss that is happening with church...and I am good-knowing that I have loving family and friends in front/behind/and beside me...

Bottom Line...God is good-therefore-I am too.

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