Friday, December 10, 2010

In the trenches

Something is happening in the men of our church. This week the guys have been dropping by the church and there have been MANY conversations...Just AWESOME to see what God is doing in them! God is really working on the guys and they are rising up. They are being challenged...they are wrestling with how to live...The church needs men to not just sit back and watch, but to JUMP IN and begin to lead.

I was watching Braveheart last weekend...MAN THAT IS A GREAT MOVIE! The men in Braveheart would have done ANYTHING for William Wallace...they believed in him and each other. They protected each other...not just in battle, but with their words as well. The group of men here at Grace are men that I want to do battle with...guys I enjoy being around...and men that I know protect each other...that long to see the best out of each other...are willing to confront each other...take care of each is a honor to serve with these men! Really love you guys!!

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