Friday, August 7, 2009

"Here I am...send and use me"

Over 15 years ago I wrote those words down on a little piece of paper and shoved it in my wallet...I told God in that moment that I would go anywhere and do anything that he asked of me. That road has been bumpy...there have been potholes...there have been detours along the way...but it has been the best ride that I could have ever been on...what could be greater than being EXACTLY where God wants you.

Here's what is cool...I get to go on this ride with my family and a a group of people that love Jesus and each other. THAT makes the ride even better. We NEED each other...last night we had "Grillin' and Prayin'" at our's our summer Prayer Encounter at church...people bring their own meat and food to's an easy-going time...we eat, and eat and eat and pray together...Last night was special for me though...we ate...we prayed...we ate...we laughed...and people stayed...and stayed and 3 1/2 hours later the night was over...I LOVE BEING WITH THE PEOPLE OF THIS CHURCH! I am soooooooooooooooo glad that I get to go on this ride and follow God with these people!

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