Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Hold up the light!"

A Facebook friend posted a video on his wall this week of a singing tour I went on back in 1990...that tour changed my life forever! Just months before I had blown out my knee and realized that I was not going to be able to play sports in college...I was devastated...then in the Spring, Continental Singers called and asked me to finish my audition tape. (Yep tape!) For some reason they accepted me and WOW was it intense...10 weeks of touring...90+ on a bus with 35-40 other 16-28 yr. olds...INTENSE...the time with God was amazing...God changed my focus...from me to him. What my goals to was really fun. (Of course...a 17 yr. old...touring the country...seeing 30+ states, Canada and traveling 18,000 miles! AWESOME!)

God used that time to really shape my put a desire for him in my quit just saying I was a Christ-follower toward BEING a Christ-follower! I am forever grateful to my parents for letting me go and for singing "Hold up the Light" over and over and over again...because it got through and changed my direction...and I am so thankful that it did!

1 comment:

Eta said...

That was the year and the music that changed my life as well - though I listened it in Hungary in Hungarian...