Friday, November 28, 2014


So much to be thankful for...for salvation. my amazing family. for the fact that our house finally sold in Indiana and now we were able to move to Wooster. Thankful that God never turns his back on us...that he is a God of 2nd chances. Thankful that I get to work with a team that cares for me, my family and people...a team that makes me better. Thankful for the really. The way that we can now keep up with old friends...the way that at a couple of clicks I can read devos and go deeper with God.

God is good and his love endures forever!! AMEN!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

His Strength is Perfect

I remember this song so well...Steven Curtis Chapman... "His Strength is Perfect, when our strength is gone...he'll carry us when we can't carry on..."  Sang that song COUNTLESS times in High School.  I was reminded of it this morning as I started a devo on marriage. The verses I read were all on God's faithfulness and his ability to make the impossible, possible.

God's perfect strength in our weakness... The older I get the more I realize that I need HIS perfect strength. AND that strength does not mean that my struggles will disappear, but it will be the strength we need to get through whatever comes our way! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Encouragement Saves Lives

No really...I say this... Encouragement Saves Lives and I really mean it! Think back through your when you felt like giving felt like walking felt like quitting, but someone said something to you...or you read something in the Bible... or you read a post by someone and it spoke to you right where you are. It stopped you from running...from doing something that could have really hurt you.

I'm thankful today for people who have breathed words of encouragement into my life...thankful for times when I have struggled and God put just the right person in my path for a reason.

Find someone today and thank them...thank them for their investment in your life!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I sure remember when writing came easy for was back 4-5 years ago...I could just sit at my computer and a moment things'd have to go back and read my posts from March 2010 to understand it all...but my world got rocked. has taken way toooooo long to recover from that. My relationship with God has been ok, but not passionate. The drive in my gut for God has been weak --> ok. My faith has been rattled...

Yet through all of thing remains thing has remained constant.  "...great is YOUR faithfulness." And then add to that... "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him." (Lamentations 3: 23, 25)  He remains faithful to me...faithful to listen...faithful in his patience with me... faithful in the peace he gives when we ask for it.

Recently I have been reading "My Utmost For His Highest" each day...I hadn't read those devos since High School...and it has been refreshing...and challenging. Here is a quote from today...

"We lose the vision because of our own lack of spiritual growth. If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the issues of everyday life, the vision God has given us will never be fulfilled."

It is really is...time to renew my passion for my Savior. Time to have a renewed and refreshed vision for life...for leading...for loving people...for sharing HIS message!  "Father, forgive me for where I have fallen short and tried to control things on my own...It is time for me to dive back in...not just tread is time to dive back in to YOUR mission...all out...all in! I love Jesus name!"

Just felt like posting today...been a long, long fact it was funny to even go back and see that I had more drafts of posts than posts in the past years...time to post. Time to step out again...time to LIVE instead of SURVIVE!

Alright...enough said!