That is probably the key word for our family over the past 4 years. Each year it seems that something happens that makes a major shift in what we are doing and where we are headed. SO…after a GREAT DEAL of prayer (and a trip to my favorite prayer walking spot along the St. Joe River)…we have decided to accept a position as the Director of High School Ministries at Wooster Grace in Wooster, Ohio. (WHAT?!?! A Buckeye again?!?! Crazy!) SOOOOOOOO excited about the opportunity to team up with Grace to share Jesus' love in Wayne County!
The emotions inside of each of us are ALL OVER THE PLACE! I look forward to seeing what God is going to do!! QUITE excited about the next 15 years of our lives!! We are also quite sad to leave SB…We LOVE this city…Kelsey has lived here since 7th grade...We have been here for over 15 years...our kids were all born here...we have family and friends in the area that we will miss so much...our family at Living Stones Church...the staff and the youth group...I don't take lightly that I have been blessed to work for 2 churches with staffs that LOVE Jesus and each other! I feel grateful for the opportunity to have served God in this place...SO grateful!!
We GREATLY appreciate your prayers in the coming weeks…there is quite a bit to do...we need to sell our house and buy a house in Wooster! God has already been putting pieces of the puzzle together to make this move happen, which is good!!
To all of our friends in SB…WE LOVE YOU!! And will sure miss you SO MUCH…and to our new friends that we will meet in Wooster…we are SO looking forward to coming out there and reaching Wayne County for Jesus Christ!!!!